Friday, September 14, 2012

Why I didn't pre-order an iPhone 5 after all

I?ve had my trusty iPhone 3s for years, since my wife surprised me with it one Christmas. I love the thing. I didn?t think anything would replace my old cigarette-pack sized iPod brick, but it did. It has my calendars, all my music from opera to bluegrass, my sailing and navigation software, tuning and other apps for my guitar, my interactive star chart, backcountry maps for wilderness hiking, yada, yada. I can?t imagine a day without it.

But face it. It?s old, it?s creaky. It?s full to the gills. It doesn?t hold a charge the way it used to. It?s ready to be consigned to the bin where grandma?s rotary phone lives.

My goal was to make it to today ? the day I could pre-order a sparkling new iPhone 5, which would surely have features and gizmos that would make me smile like the day I opened that Christmas present years ago.

But, sadly, it?s not to be.

Why? Because Apple pulled a fast one on me.

I have all kinds of devices that I plug my phone into ? the car, my beloved boat, the outlet in the kitchen that lets me pipe music where I want it, the music player I take on trips, the gadget that lets me play movies rented from iTunes on my TV, the chargers strategically placed where I need them occasionally. There's more, but it's getting embarrassing listing them.

Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), in its overbearing wisdom, has decided I don?t need any of those anymore, except for the iPhone/iPad/iTouch/i-everything-else devices that also populate my house.

No. For my iPhone 5, I need a new whole set of everything to plug into it because Apple has decided the venerable 20-pin plug was pass?.

Well, hmmm. I?m not sure this is what Apple had in mind, but it gets me wondering if I really need a new iPhone 5.

Patrick Twohy is a senior editor at the San Francisco Business Times.

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