Monday, December 31, 2012

Remains of Connecticut gunman claimed for burial

Over two weeks after he opened fire on a school full of children, killing 26 people as well as himself, Adam Lanza is heading to his final resting place. On Sunday, in a bulletin bereft of detail, the Connecticut chief medical examiner's office announced that the 20-year-old's body had been claimed for burial. They didn't say who claimed him, where he would be buried, if he would receive a funeral or really anything else about what will happen to the young mass murderer. Similarly, The New York Times came up short in its search for details as "calls and messages to family members and a family spokesman were not immediately returned on Sunday night."

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Who knows if we'll find out who wanted to give Lanza a proper burial. Perhaps it was his wealthy father, the man who's been conspicuously absent from coverage of the December 14 shooting and its aftermath. (Evidently, the father and son hadn't spoken in two years.) Maybe it was Adam's brother Ryan, who's consistently found himself in troubling and compromising positions since the tragedy. The family did quietly bury Nancy Lanza, who was murdered by her son Adam, on December 20 in New Hampshire but hasn't said whether or not they planned to collect Adam's body. But somebody did, and now it's over.

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In its own way, this is a good thing. Sure, there's the symbolism of Lanza being laid to rest and the community moving forward with its recovery. In a more practical way, though, if nobody had claimed it, the government would've had to pay over $1,500 to dispose of the body.


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Love impels progress

A Christian Science perspective.

By Monica Karal / December 31, 2012

As the new year dawns, many people look back at the past 12 months and ask: Has there been significant progress in the world? In my own life? As a recent Monitor feature reports, the past year has brought many sources of hope, such as green technologies, democracy movements, and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of halving extreme poverty globally. Yet there were also some very disturbing events in 2012, such as violent political repression in Syria and the tragic mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. How can we confidently work toward good in the future when there is also evidence of destructive forces at work?

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I've been encouraged by stepping back and looking for a broader view. For example, a recent book by Harvard University professor Steven Pinker, "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined," explains that interpersonal and collective violence has actually decreased significantly over the centuries and millenniums.

After the mass shooting in Connecticut, many people are asking how it could have happened and how anyone, including children, can feel safe. I was so moved with compassion for all involved that I sat down and prayed. I asked, What is the answer? What can we do? Then I quietly listened for inspiration from God, divine Mind.

What came to me was this: "You can love." It seemed like such a simple answer. Simple, yet profound. I realized that all the people who have the most positive influence on our lives are folks who put a lot of love into what they do, whether they be parents, teachers, friends, carpenters, or whatever.

Each loving thought and action is like a stone dropped in a lake. It ripples out in concentric circles that reach far beyond the starting point. Each time our loving attitude touches a person at work, at the grocery story, or on the bus, that love is felt and is carried forth to touch every individual in that person's circle, creating many concentric circles.

Love is a power. It comforts, encourages, uplifts, inspires, and heals. Love dissolves hatred, fear, and ignorance. It is the most powerful force in the world because it aligns us with a higher, spiritual sense of things. Love illuminates each individual's true identity as the spiritual reflection of God, divine Love.

We can all keep dropping those pebbles of love in the pond of our daily experience. They will continually ripple outward in increasingly larger circles until they touch and uplift every heart, including those experiencing loss, pain, mental illness, or even violent thoughts.

Progress is divine Love in action. Love will guide decisionmakers to take practical steps to improve legislation and safety. It will inspire advances in mental health, spiritual development, and peacemaking between individuals and nations.

Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the Monitor, wrote, "Progress is the maturing conception of divine Love;..." ("The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany," p. 181). As we open our thought to the infinite presence and activity of divine Love, we'll see more of its dynamic, practical expression in the form of peace, safety, and well-being for everyone.


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Key Protein Makes Breast Cancer 'Aggressive' | Asian Scientist ...

Featured Research
December 31, 2012

Australian scientists have discovered how a protein causes breast cancer to become more aggressive and resistant to common drugs.

AsianScientist (Dec. 31, 2012) ? Australian scientists have discovered how a protein causes breast cancer to develop into a more aggressive version that is resistant to common drugs.

These tumors lack sensitivity to the estrogen hormone and do not respond to anti-estrogen therapies such as Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors.

Transcription factors are molecules that switch genes on or off. In this case, the ELF5 transcription factor inhibits sensitivity to estrogen very early in the life of a breast cancer cell.

In 2008, Associate Professor Chris Ormandy from Sydney?s Garvan Institute of Medical Research showed that ELF5 was responsible for the development of the estrogen-receptor-negative cells in the breast during pregnancy that produce milk.

In a recent study published in PLoS Biology, Ormandy and collaborators showed that the same molecular decision occurs in breast cancer and that ELF5 has the ability to change an existing tumor to an estrogen-insensitive type.

The team also described the genetic mechanisms by which ELF5 opposes the action of estrogen, and showed that it is possible to alter the subtype of breast cancer by manipulating ELF5 levels.

?This work tells us that cancers which become refractory to anti-estrogen treatment often do so by elevating their levels of ELF5 and becoming functionally oestrogen receptor negative,? said Ormandy. ?This raises the therapeutic option of manipulating ELF5 levels to treat breast cancer.?

According to Ormandy, small molecule therapies that target protein-to-protein interactions, or small inhibitory RNAs, could be developed as ELF5 is intracellular.

ELF5 levels could also be used for diagnostic testing, to predict a tumor?s response to treatment and therefore guide treatment decisions, he said.

?Our key discovery here is that by simply manipulating one transcription factor we can change the subtype of breast cancer,? said Ormandy.

The article can be found at: Kalyuga M et al. (2012) ELF5 Suppresses Estrogen Sensitivity and Underpins the Acquisition of Antiestrogen Resistance in Luminal Breast Cancer.


Source: Research Australia; Photo: Sanofi Pasteur/Flickr/CC.
Disclaimer: This article does not necessarily reflect the views of AsianScientist or its staff.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

We're hoping our Frugalous Facebook family had an incredible holiday!

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They said what? Best celebrity quotes of 2012

By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper, TODAY

Sure, we'd like to have the bank account of a celebrity. But we wouldn't want the attention they get, where every utterance out of their mouths is transcribed and shared worldwide. Some of those quotes are hilarious, some are just dumb. Here are our 10 favorites from 2012.

AFP-Getty Images, Getty (2)

Clint Eastwood, Madonna and Justin Bieber all made our best celebrity quotes list.

Best comeback
"If they have a problem with spokespeople, what about the Pillsbury Doughboy? He runs around without any pants on, basically begging for people to poke his belly. What kind of message is that?" -- Ellen DeGeneres, on One Million Moms protesting her use as JC Penney spokeswoman.

Best photo explanation
"I think you can see I'm forming the letter F with my mouth. And what I'm saying is ... 'What F-stop are you on with the camera?'" -- Alec Baldwin joking about a photographer run-in on "Late Show With David Letterman."

Best political quote
"I figure if somebody's dumb enough to ask me to go to a political convention and say something, they're gonna have to take what they get." -- Clint Eastwood on "Extra," about his GOP convention appearance.

Best TMI quote
"I plan to be done. But my husband is kind of a wonder sperm kind of guy." -- Jennifer Garner on whether she and Ben Affleck will have more kids.

Best awards-show greeting
"Welcome to the 66th annual Tony Awards, or as we like to call it, 50 Shades of Gay." -- Neil Patrick Harris

Best parental wisdom
"This is mommy when she was 21. This is what not to do. Learn from it." -- Snooki on "Late Show With David Letterman" on what she'll tell her kids.

Best daughter wisdom
"I say to my daughter, 'That outfit is a little bit too risqu? or revealing' and she looks at me and says, 'That's rich coming from you.'" -- Madonna, on "The Graham Norton Show."

Best in-your-face response
"Get used to it because I am going to live to be 100, and I am going to show my thighs every day till I die." -- "Girls" star Lena Dunham on being criticized for a short red-carpet outfit.

Best gaffe
"I'm not going for the Sixteenth Chapel." -- Justin Bieber, who wasn't going for the Sistine Chapel either,?when asked about his tattoos?on "Late Show With David Letterman."

Best blame game
?With Angus? Hale-Bopp-like meltdown, it is radically clear to me that the show is cursed.? -- Charlie Sheen on his former co-star's YouTube video calling "Two and a Half Men" filth.


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Newsmakers 2012: Women's issues take center stage |

Some women felt they were under attack in 2012.

Susan Komen For The Cure The Susan Komen For The Cure international headquarters are shown in the Dallas suburb of Addison, Texas, Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. After three days of controversy, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast-cancer charity says reversed its decision to cut breast-screening grants to Planned Parenthood. (AP Photo/LM Otero)? ?
Christine Toretti Christine Toretti, Republican National Committee, cautioned that the GOP was alienating women. VICKI VELLIOS BRINER,
The Patriot-News

The GOP was accused of waging a war on women last year. Plenty of Republicans ? and yes, Republican women ? said that was actually a Democratic ploy designed to raise money in an election year.

Nonetheless, several women?s issues emerged front and center in 2012.

Following the lead of other states, Pennsylvania lawmakers considered a bill requiring women to have an ultrasound before getting an abortion. The bill also called for an image of the fetus to be shown on a monitor.

Gov. Tom Corbett garnered national attention and criticism when he said that women didn?t have to look at the monitor to see the fetus. He said a woman simply has to ?close your eyes.?

Democrats pounded Corbett for the remark. Corbett?s support of the bill earned support from some conservatives, but even some Republicans said they were disappointed by Corbett's comments.

The bill was sponsored by a woman: State Rep. Kathy Rapp, R-Warren County. But the legislation was later put on the shelf when it became clear it wouldn?t get support.

As Republican presidential candidates battled over abortion in the fight for the GOP nomination, some cautioned that the emphasis on social issues was creating a gender gap. ?This primary process has really alienated a lot of women across the country,? Christine Toretti, a key player in the Republican National Committee, told The Patriot-news.

The battle over birth control also made news in 2012, and the issue broke party lines.

Conservatives, Catholics in particular, fought a provision in President Barack Obama?s health care reform law requiring health insurance plans to pay for contraception. At one point, U.S. Sen. Bob Casey Jr., D-Pa., and other Democrats urged the White House to reconsider.

Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh also received criticism for calling a Georgetown University student a ?slut? for testifying before Congress about the need for access to contraceptives. Limbaugh later apologized.

Planned Parenthood was again the target of some lawmakers. State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, R-Butler County, pushed legislation to keep taxpayer money away from the group. He argues that Planned Parenthood doesn't deserve state money because it provides abortion services and referrals.

Another flap involving Planned Parenthood arose early in the year when Susan G. Komen for the Cure announced plans to cut funding for the group. Facing a huge backlash fueled by social media, Komen, a top breast cancer charity, quickly reversed its decision.

?We want to apologize to the American public for recent decisions that cast doubt upon our commitment to our mission of saving women's lives,? a Komen statement said.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

A better pencil sharpener? Inventor dreams of erasing life's annoyances

22 hrs.

Long lines at amusement parks. Traffic stalled at rush hour. Cycling uphill. To most of us, these are just minor problems we face in an otherwise comfortable existence.?To Anwar Farooq, they are personal call-outs, challenges that he must answer with his own ingenuity. These days, the math?teacher and habitual?inventor is wrestling with the age-old problem of the?pencil sharpener.

"When I saw my students struggling with the regular pencil sharpener, I honestly knew that there must be an alternate approach, so I started thinking," Farooq, who teaches?at Maywood Academy,?southeast of Los Angeles, told NBC News.

That's not the first time Farooq "started thinking."

His inventions, spanning 1986 to now, may?seem whimsical at first, but on closer inspection are like early ancestors of devices in use today. There's a bike where your pedaling is boosted by an air compressor, for instance. If you replace the air compressor with an electric motor, you get today's battery-powered bikes.

There's?the Robocam, a?remote-controlled camera platform that's a precursor to telepresence robots and smartphone?videoconferencing apps alike.

For those annoying amusement park or movie theater?lines, Farooq proposes a chain of connected, moving chairs.?You take a load off, enjoy the?built-in entertainment system, and before long, it's your turn to get up and enjoy the ride or show. He calls it Waiting Is Fun.?It may seem far-fetched?... until Disney goes and installs one in Tomorrowland.

The idea Farooq seems most proud of is the?Rapid Commute. Cars traveling from the outskirts of a city?drive right onto a high-speed train, as if they were boarding a ferry boat. The train then brings them to a central location downtown, where they disembark. Next month he will be presenting it to the Transportation Research Board, an off-shoot of the non-profit?National Research Council,?at its annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

And then there's the?Quick N Silent pencil sharpener.?

* * *

Pencil sharpeners are, in fact, one of the few classroom technologies that have?not?experienced a radical redesign in the past century. The most common type of institutional sharpener, the hand-cranked type you can still see?mounted to a wall or the teacher's table in classrooms all over the world,?was introduced in 1904.

Sure, electric versions have been introduced, but?the cylindrical mills rotating in "planetary" fashion within?are still dominant ? despite the inconsistency of their results.

Nevertheless, when Farooq wrestled with how to modernize the?pencil sharpener, he didn't look to some?laser that could hone the tip of a pencil with micron-level precision. Instead, he found inspiration in the distant?past.

"I remembered that people carried pocket knives and they just used those to sharpen pencils quietly and efficiently."

He set to work on the new machine based on the same principles.

* * *

Farooq was always an inventor at heart, but he told us that, growing up in Pakistan, he never had a chance to exercise his creative capabilities. "Even if I had an idea, we were from the lower middle class, so we didn't have any money to do anything," he told us. "My biggest break is that I came to a country like America ??and now I can do those things I desire."

But even after moving to the U.S. in the 1970s, inventing hasn't been exactly easy for Farooq. In fact, following his dreams can at times be something of an expensive habit. "Of course it's a hardship to me and tight financially," he admitted. "My wife says, 'Why don't you take up gambling?'"

At least to him, though, the cost is worth it.?"I live for that, that excitement of finding something, of discovering something." He points out that the famed inventor Nicola Tesla died a poor man, but now they're building a Tesla?museum. Farooq doesn't expect a museum, but he does hope that his inventions will outlast him.

It may be his latest baby, the pencil sharpener,?that lives on. Even in our increasingly?digital world, Farooq feels strongly that pencil and paper, as?a medium for recording thoughts and images, won't disappear any time soon.?"Yes, it is old and unglamorous technology, but it's foolproof and works as advertised."

Its biggest asset is its low cost: "It's cheap enough to be owned by almost anyone in the world," he said.

When he finally figured out how to implement the pocket-knife method of sharpening, Farooq built a mock-up and?patented his design.

His prototype doesn't grind, like the rotary sharpeners in classrooms?worldwide. Nor does it shave around the edge, like the small twisty?single-blade sharpeners that predate the rotary type. Instead, it uses multiple blades to whittle down the edge from all sides at once. True to its name, the blades slice down the end of the pencil, exposing a sharp tip and plenty of lead in a single, silent pass.

Farooq is looking for funding to start manufacturing the device, which he has continually modified over the last few years in his spare time.?A crowd-funding attempt at?Fundageek, a website for inventors, has not produced much income. But he intends to put a more complete version of the device up for consideration on Indiegogo, a larger platform for collecting funding.

In the meantime, Farooq will keep on inventing. His own modest?website lists two things ? Personal Safety 360 and GPS Live Cam ??that he isn't ready to discuss publicly.

"When I came to this country,?I wanted to do something positive, a legacy to leave behind." Whether his inventions find widespread adoption or not, Farooq's insatiable inventor's spirit may continue to inspire the kids in his classroom ??as well as those who encounter him through his growing portfolio.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC?News Digital. His personal website is?


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Video: Boehner caught in middle of fiscal cliff negotiations

Why do some men get grouchier as they age?

Some call it ?grumpy old man complex.? Other experts label it: ?irritable male syndrome,? a spike in the outward crankiness of guys of a certain age. As more baby boomers hit 60? be ready for more grouchy outbursts, like a Donald Trump rant set to explode.


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Use the "Layoff Test" to Build Your Professional Network

Use the "Layoff Test" to Build Your Professional Network Your professional network may be just as valuable a job hunting tool as your resume, but if you haven't kept it up to date and you're not in touch with the people you're closest to, now's the time to reach out. Use the "Layoff Test" to beef up your professional network and strengthen those bonds now, when you don't need anything from them but their friendship.

Here's the test: If you were laid off today, who would be the first ten people you'd reach out to for advice, or to catch up with? When is the last time you spoke with them? If you can't even list ten people, much less remember the last time you caught up with some of the people you would normally call references, it's time to start reaching out now, while you're comfortably employed and don't need anything in particular.

Ask them out to lunch to catch up, or see if they can grab coffee with you sometime, just to see how they're doing, discuss your respective careers, and see if they need anything from you. Remember, a "professional network" is really just career code for "friends willing to help each other professionally," so stay in touch and see if you can lend them a hand as well. After all, what goes around comes around.

Five Networking Tips You Haven't Heard | The Fast Track

Photo by Warren Goldswain.


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Will Kate Winslet become Kate Rocknroll?

So everyone knows women don't have to change their names when they get married, but come on, Kate Winslet, don't you want to be "Kate Rocknroll"? Winslet's wedding earlier this month was a surprise, but more surprising to many was the name of her groom: Ned Rocknroll.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Clock Is Ticking On Obama To Solve The ... - Business Insider

International crises are supposed to last days. Perhaps, like the Cuban missile crisis, they can stretch to weeks or, like the prelude to war in 1914, even months. But the Iranian nuclear crisis, which began with the revelation of secret nuclear sites in 2002, has now lasted a full decade. Although some might consider 10 years without war to be a success, it would be foolish to assume we can endure another 10.

It is now more important than ever that we take advantage of fortuitous diplomatic circumstances and seek a deal with Iran, one which both addresses our basic security concerns and allows Iran to come away with dignity.

The window for nuclear diplomacy between Iran and the west has been open since Barack Obama's re-election. But it will start inching shut as we approach the Iranian presidential elections in June. The same election-season policy paralysis that grips Washington every four years also afflicts Tehran. Iran's political system has been especially fragmented during president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's second term, and factional competition will intensify. Since negotiations can't be held before January, that leaves a short period ? no more than five months ? in which to hammer out an agreement.

Everyone understands what the compromise should look like. The west would offer limited sanctions relief and, despite UN security council resolutions demanding the contrary, would allow Iran to enrich uranium. Iran, in turn, would cap its enrichment to 5%, thus excluding the production of uranium enriched to the more dangerous 20% (nine-tenths of the way to weapons-grade). Iran would also have to agree to convert its stockpile to fuel (which is harder to use for bombs), limit its ability to produce more in the future, and ? most important of all ? agree to intrusive inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The latter is a crucial point. If Iran did seek to dash for a bomb, its main problem would not be getting material, but getting caught. We must ensure it stays that way. We should, counterintuitively, prefer a bigger, more transparent Iranian nuclear programme to a smaller, more opaque one.

Finally, if and when the agency gives Iran a clean bill of health ? something it cannot do now, while Iran remains unco-operative ? all sanctions could be lifted. Iran may be worried that if it comes clean, it would simply face further punishment. There is a solution: in return for total transparency, Iran should be offered an amnesty for past transgressions. After all, many countries ? South Korea, Taiwan, Sweden, South Africa ? have conducted illicit nuclear research, and been forgiven.

The problem, as so often in negotiations, is that each side is convinced it can outlast the other. We assume that Iran, creaking under the weight of unprecedentedly tough sanctions, will eventually agree to far greater concessions than those outlined above. This may be a mistake.

First, long-term sanctions can have catastrophic humanitarian and diplomatic effects, as they did in Iraq in the 1990s. In those western countries spearheading sanctions, there is disturbingly little debate over the consequences.

Second, the longer the crisis lasts, the greater the risk that Israel, fearful of Iran making unseen advances in the development of a nuclear bomb, launches air strikes. That would result in Iran expelling inspectors, reconstituting its nuclear programme out of sight, and redoubling its efforts ? just as Iraq did after it was bombed by Israel in 1981.

Finally, it may seem desirable that sanctions drive Iranians on to the streets. But such protests, by making the regime more vulnerable, can increase the appeal of a nuclear deterrent and empower hardliners. Moreover, as we found during the 2009 green revolution, it can be politically awkward to negotiate with a regime visibly cracking down on its citizens. That undermines the core purpose of sanctions: to negotiate from a position of strength.

There are other reasons why we should show flexibility. The Obama administration has already indicated it is willing to engage in direct talks with Iran, but a president is never as politically strong as at the beginning of a second and final term. Moreover, the increasingly probable collapse of the Assad regime in Syria will deprive Iran of one of its only true allies. When that happens, Tehran's stance can be expected to harden further.

Iran might simply refuse to make the necessary concessions. In that case, we are no worse off than we are now. But it would be negligent not to try. Considering that every internationally recognised nuclear weapons state took less than 10 years to produce their bombs, the duration of this crisis is remarkable and troubling. Just waiting Iran out is not a good strategy. Sanctions may have played a role in forcing Iran back to nuclear talks over the past year, but they can no longer do all the heavy lifting.

This article originally appeared on


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N.Y. firefighters' killer had detailed plan for attack

WEBSTER, N.Y. (AP) ? The ex-con turned sniper who killed two firefighters wanted to make sure his goodbye note was legible, typing out his desire to "do what I like doing best, killing people" before setting the house where he lived with his sister ablaze, police said.

Police Chief Gerald Pickering said Tuesday that the 62-year-old loner, William Spengler, brought plenty of ammunition with him for three weapons including a military-style assault rifle as he set out on a quest to burn down his neighborhood just before sunrise on Christmas Eve.

And when firefighters arrived to stop him, he unleashed a torrent of bullets, shattering the windshield of the fire truck that volunteer firefighter and police Lt. Michael Chiapperini, 43, drove to the scene. Fellow firefighter Tomasz Kaczowka, 19, who worked as a 911 dispatcher, was killed as well.

Two other firefighters were struck by bullets, one in the pelvis and the other in the chest and knee. They remained hospitalized in stable condition and were expected to survive.

On Tuesday, investigators found a body in the Spengler home, presumably that of the sister a neighbor said Spengler hated: 67-year-old Cheryl Spengler. Spengler's penchant for death had surfaced before. He served 17 years in prison for manslaughter in the 1980 hammer slaying of his grandmother.

But his intent was unmistakable when he left his flaming home carrying a pump-action shotgun, a .38-caliber revolver and a .223-caliber semiautomatic Bushmaster rifle with flash suppression, the same make and caliber weapon used in the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn., that killed 26.

"He was equipped to go to war, kill innocent people," the chief said of a felon who wasn't allowed to possess weapons because of his criminal past. It was not clear how he got them.

The assault rifle was believed to be the weapon that struck down the firefighters. He then killed himself as seven houses burned on a sliver of land along Lake Ontario. His body was not found on a nearby beach until hours afterward.

Residents of the suburban Rochester neighborhood who left their homes during the fire were allowed to return Tuesday. Police SWAT team members had used an armored vehicle to evacuate more than 30 residents.

Spengler's motive was left unclear, Pickering said, even as authorities began analyzing a two- to three-page typewritten rambling note Spengler left behind.

He declined to reveal the note's full content or say where it was found. He read only one chilling line: "I still have to get ready to see how much of the neighborhood I can burn down, and do what I like doing best, killing people."

Pickering added: "There was some rambling in there and some intelligence we need to follow up on."

It remained unknown what set Spengler off but a next-door neighbor, Roger Vercruysse, noted that he loved his mother, Arline, who died in October after living in the house in a neighborhood of seasonal and year-round homes across the road from a lakeshore popular with recreational boaters.

Pickering said it was unclear whether the person believed to be Spengler's sister died before or during the fire.

"It was a raging inferno in there," Pickering said.

As Pickering described it and as emergency radio communications on the scene showed, the heavily armed Spengler took a position behind a small hill by the house as four firefighters arrived after 5:30 a.m. to extinguish the fire: two on a fire truck; two in their own vehicles.

Several firefighters went beneath the truck to shield themselves as an off-duty police officer who came to the scene pulled his vehicle alongside the truck to try to shield them, authorities said.

The first police officer who arrived chased and exchanged shots with Spengler, recounting it later over his police radio.

"I could see the muzzle blasts comin' at me. ... I fired four shots at him. I thought he went down," the officer said.

At another point, he said: "I don't know if I hit him or not. He's by a tree. ... He was movin' eastbound on the berm when I was firing shots." Pickering portrayed the officer as a hero who saved many lives.

The audio posted on the website also has someone reporting "firefighters are down" and saying "got to be rifle or shotgun ? high-powered ... semi or fully auto."

Spengler had been charged with murder in his grandmother's death but pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter, apparently to spare his family a trial. After he was freed from prison, Spengler had lived a quiet life on Lake Road on a narrow peninsula where Irondequoit Bay meets Lake Ontario.

That ended when he left his burning home Monday morning, armed with his weapons, a lot of ammunition and a measure of hate.

"I'm not sure we'll ever know what was going through his mind," Pickering said.

Services were set for the two Rochester-area volunteer firefighters. Calling hours will be held at Webster Schroeder High School on Friday and Saturday. A funeral service for Chiapperini was scheduled for noon Sunday at the high school, with burial in West Webster Cemetery.

A funeral Mass for Kaczowka will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at St. Stanislaus Church in Rochester. Burial will be at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Rochester.


Esch reported from Albany. Associated Press writer Larry Neumeister in New York City also contributed to this report.


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New insight into cell development and cancer

Dec. 27, 2012 ? Long-standing research efforts have been focused on understanding how stem cells, cells capable of transforming into any type of cell in the body, are capable of being programmed down a defined path to contribute to the development of a specific organ like a heart, lung, or kidney. Research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine has shed new light on how epigenetic signals may function together to determine the ultimate fate of a stem cell.

The study, published December 27, 2012 by the journal Molecular Cell, implicates a unique class of proteins called polycomb-like proteins, or PCL's, as bridging molecules between the "on" and "off" state of a gene. While all of these specialized types of cells share the same genetic information encoded in our DNA, it is becoming increasingly clear that information outside the genome, referred to as epigenetics, plays a central role in orchestrating the reprogramming of a stem cell down a defined path.

Although it is understood that epigenetics is responsible for turning genes "on" and "off" at defined times during cellular development, the precise mechanisms controlling this delicate process are less well understood.

"This finding has important implications for both stem cell biology and cancer development, as the same regulatory circuits controlled by PCL's in stem cells are often misregulated in tumors," said Dr. Greg Wang, senior author of the study and Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics in the UNC School of Medicine and a member of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The study, led by postdoctoral research fellows Drs. Ling Cai and Rui Lu in the Wang lab, and Dr. Scott Rothbart, a Lineberger postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Brian Strahl, Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics in the UNC School of Medicine and a member of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, identified that PCL's interact with an epigenetic signal associated with genes that are turned on to recruit a group of proteins called the PRC2 complex which then turn genes off.

"In stem cells, the PRC2 complex turns genes off that would otherwise promote reprogramming into specialized cells of organs like the heart or lungs," said Wang.

In addition to its fundamental role in cellular development, elevated levels of PRC2 have been found in cancers of the prostate, breast, lung, and blood, and pharmaceutical companies are already developing drugs to target PRC2. Wang and colleagues determined that the same mechanisms controlling PRC2 function in stem cells also applies in human cancers.

"The identification of a specific PCL in controlling PRC2 in cancer cells suggests we may be able to develop drugs targeting this PCL to regulate PRC2 function in a more controlled manner that may maintain PRC2 function in stem cells while inhibiting it in the tumor," said Wang.

This research was funded by the National Institutes of Health grants (GM085394 and GM068088), the Department of Defense, the V Foundation for Cancer Research, and the University Cancer Research Fund, and was performed in collaboration with scientists at the University of California at Riverside, Rockefeller University, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Study co-authors from UNC also included Bowen Xu, a student in the Wang Lab, and Ashutosh Tripathy, a Research Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of North Carolina Health Care.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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SEO Tips For Small Business Project Update Announced By JM ...

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

JM Internet Group , a provider of SEO Training for small businesses, announces a project The JM Internet Group (web:, a leader in providing SEO Tips for Small Business via innovative trainings, is proud to announce a progress report on their ?SEO Tips for Small Business Project.? The project is an SEO-based outreach to assist small business owners and marketers who are seeking to understand how to get their organizations to the top of Google and Bing organic results.

?Our SEO Tips for Small Business project is itself all about SEO ,? explained Jason McDonald, SEO expert and director of the JM Internet Group. ?The project is building out SEO tips one-by-one based on Google Analytics data as well as an analysis of ? Google Suggest? queries to understand the most pressing SEO tips for small businesses today.?

SEO Tips Top Queries

The SEO Tips project targets the top queries on Google around the phrase ?SEO tips.? For example, here is a list of a few of the top queries on Google for SEO tips.

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Click here to view rest of article from original site

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

White House: Obama likely to curtail holiday trip

KAILUA, Hawaii (AP) ? President Barack Obama is likely to cut short his traditional Christmas holiday in Hawaii to return to Washington as lawmakers consider how to prevent the economy from going over the so-called fiscal cliff, the White House said Tuesday.

Obama could fly back to the nation's capital as early as Wednesday, just five days after arriving in Hawaii, White House officials said. In the past, the president's end-of-the-year holiday in his native state has stretched into the new year.

Congress is expected to return to Washington on Thursday. Automatic budget cuts and tax increases are set to begin in January. So far, the president and congressional Republicans have been unable to reach agreement on any alternatives.

Lawmakers have expressed little but pessimism for the prospect of an agreement coming before Jan. 1. On Sunday, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, said she expects any action in the waning days of the year to be "a patch because in four days we can't solve everything."

The Obamas were spending the holiday at a rented home near Honolulu. On Christmas Day, the president and first lady Michelle Obama visited with Marines to express thanks for their service.

"One of my favorite things is always coming to base on Christmas Day just to meet you and say thank you," the president said. He called being commander in chief his greatest honor as president.

Obama took photos with individual service members and their families.


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Long Distance Relationship? "Don't Lose It All. Time To Get Data ...

Long distance relationship is a frustrating relationship. I know because I was in one with?Eric?during the beginning of our relationship. The insecurities and also commitment is a very huge task to bear while you're in this long distance relationship. I was so grateful and glad that how he always tried to reach me either through the calls, whatsapp, video calls, text messages, etc just to be there for me especially when the time I need him by my side.

It?s always assumed that relationships are blissful ? but wait! It?s not all candies and kisses,?sometimes there a lot of hardship to deal with and it can be really emotionally taunting and?mentally demanding. What?s worse is, pairing the idea of a long distance relationship with?the sad soppy case of losing communication.

What?s going on? They seemed happy.

Although they were going to be far away from each other, they seemed like they were in?it forever but then suddenly everything changed! Did he find someone else? Or is it just a?simple misunderstanding? Relationships are an uphill battle or sometimes a downwards?spiral ? it?s really how you manage it but these two sadly went the wrong way. Who?s that?guy at the end? Does he like her? And does she like him too?

Most importantly, in the case of Amy & Nick?s relationship, it shows that if there is no?data, you?ll lose it all. After all, everything is on the internet now and it costs almost?nothing at all. Just as long as you have data, relationships will go smooth sailing so dial?*128# to sign up for any pack to have it all.


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PFT: Bengals won't sit starters in Week 17

TebowGetty Images

Lost in the reports and debates regarding Tim Tebow?s Wildcat tap out is the fact that the situation sparked the latest case of ESPN-on-ESPN crime.

Actually, it was more like an ESPN Battle Royal.

It started when Rich Cimini and Jane McManus of jointly reported on Sunday that Tebow asked to be omitted from the Wildcat package in Week 16 because the coaching staff had skipped over him when benching Mark Sanchez.? (You know, the same way the Broncos skipped over Brady Quinn when benching Kyle Orton in 2011.)

In an effort to control the damage, Tebow provided his version of the events to Adam Schefter of ESPN.? In exchange for the exclusive scoop, Schefter obviously had no choice but to pass along Tebow?s tale as he told it, without scrutiny or skepticism or cynicism.

And Tebow didn?t say that he had asked out of the Wildcat package, necessarily putting the spirit if not the letter of the two ESPN reports at odds.

But the conflict didn?t become obvious until Schefter, Merril Hoge, and Ron Jaworski appeared on the air to discuss the situation, via Schefter started by dutifully repeated what he had reported, without comment or opinion or editorial.

Enter Jaworski and Hoge, both of whom pressed Schefter for clarity as to the notion that Tebow told coach Rex Ryan that he didn?t want to play in the Wildcat package.? Schefter reiterated the guts of his report, skipping over the most important piece of information, apparently because either Schefter didn?t ask or Tebow didn?t tell.

?To me, it smells like three-day-old fish, OK?? Hoge said of Tebow?s story, which came only from Schefter?s report.? ?I think he?s phony as a three-dollar bill.? Because at the end of the day, what have I heard?? That he will do anything at any time.? You ask me to do it, I?ll do it.? And all of a sudden now that?s unacceptable?? That?s all of a sudden, ?Now I want to play quarterback or I?m not gonna play Wildcat?? . . . ? Tim Tebow, being the teammate he says he is, accepts that.? Because he says I?ll do anything for the team.? That?s all I?ve ever heard about him.? Well I think this sound shows really what he?s about.?

Jaworski then tried to suggest that Tebow never said he wouldn?t play Wildcat quarterback, citing derisively (and with air quotes) that it?s merely been ?reported? via ?sources.?? And in so doing, jumping off the top rope and landing on the work of Cimini and McManus.

Enter Schefter, who then explained that it was a ?culmination of a full season of frustration and disappointment,? and that ?somehow it?s morphed into ?I?m taking myself out.??

Hoge then made an observation that Schefter and Jaworski arguably ignored when subtly pile-driving the reporting of their colleagues, Cimini and McManus.? ?If you are for the team and that is what you do care about,? Hoge said, ?then guess what?? Whatever that coach makes, that decision, sure you can be upset, but you still do what you can for the team.? You don?t make a rift, you don?t sit there and argue.?

Next, Jaworski revisited the question of whether Tebow said what Cimini and McManus claim he said.? ?I want Tim Tebow, if this was said, to say on Tuesday, ?I told Rex Ryan I don?t want to take the Wildcat snaps,?? Jaworski said.? ?We?ve got a lot of hearsay here.?

And in that one swing, Jaworski again questioned the veracity of his colleagues? original report and indirectly chided Schefter for not asking the obvious follow-up questions when talking to Tebow.

Either way, it should be no surprise that the implosion of Tebow?s 2012 season created chaos at the network that was devoted to covering it.


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Markets flat in holiday-thinned trading

LONDON (AP) ? Financial markets were largely steady in holiday-thinned trading Monday though concerns remain over the progress of U.S. budget discussions and the future of the economic reform program in Italy.

For weeks, the discussions between the White House and Congress over a budget deal have been the main driver in markets. If a deal isn't agreed to by the start of 2013, automatic spending cuts and tax increases worth hundreds of billions of dollars will be imposed ? which many economists think could push the U.S. economy back into recession.

The prevailing view has been that a deal would be agreed to in time but as the deadline nears there are growing doubts over whether the U.S. will be able to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff."

"The reality is given that the U.S. government is now closed for the holiday break the likelihood of anything other than soothing procrastination is highly unlikely much before the Jan. 1 deadline," said Michael Hewson, senior market analyst at CMC Markets.

Doubts over the progress of discussions prompted a fairly sizeable sell-off last Friday though many analysts still think there will be agreement on some sort of short-term measures.

"Even if this stopgap measure is implemented it may not be enough to prevent unwanted volatility in equity markets going into 2013 as investors try and assess the adverse impact on the U.S. economy," said Neil MacKinnon, global macro strategist at VTB Capital.

Most markets across Europe are only open for half a day and will only re-open again on Thursday. German markets are closed for Christmas Eve.

With around an hour of trading to go, Britain's FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was up 0.2 percent at 5,952 while the CAC-40 in France was down an equivalent rate at 3,655.

Wall Street was poised for more marked falls at the open in what will also be a holiday-shortened trading day ? both Dow futures and the broader S&P 500 futures were down 0.4 percent.

As well as monitoring developments in the U.S. over the coming days, investors will be keeping a close watch on what's going on in Italy ahead of a general election in February.

Over the weekend, outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti indicated that he would be willing to return to the role if pro-reform parties back him.

Over the past year or so, Monti and his technocratic government have won plaudits in the markets for their economic reforms and efforts to get a grip on the country's borrowing. Italy has the second-highest debt burden among the 17 EU countries that use the euro. Only Greece's is higher.

Earlier in Asia, Hong Kong's Hang Seng, closed up 0.1 percent at 22,531.51 while South Korea's Kospi rose less than 0.1 percent to 1,981.82. Japanese markets were closed for the Emperor's birthday holiday.

Other financial markets were subdued too. In the currency markets, the euro was up 0.2 percent at $1.3227 while the benchmark New York oil price was down 3 cents at $88.63 a barrel.


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

PE Class Changes In Alabama Stress Student Health - Len Saunders

From Your Health Journal?..?I can always count on the publication SF Gate to have some quality articles on health or wellness. I encourage all of you to visit their page (link below) to read some quality article. Today?s article review discusses Alabama, and it change to a new fitness assessment test. The prevalence rate of obesity in Alabama is higher than the rest of the nation, for both adults and children, so the state decided to move to a newer test, replacing the President?s Challenges test. Though the individual students? results will be treated as confidential information, both parents and students will receive the assessment results. The PE teachers will report the results annually, which should eventually allow for comparisons to see whether the fitter children perhaps have higher test scores. PE teachers received training in how to test the kids, but videos that demonstrate the exercises used in the assessment are on the state Department of Education?s website. Articles like this stress the importance PE plays in the schools not only for health or fitness, but for improving cognitive skills and self esteem of children. With the obesity rates so high in the United States, it is important to support your local PE department, as well as trying to get the children daily, quality PE each day. Please visit the SF Gate page to read more.?

From the article?..

Alabama?s public school students are taking part in a new physical fitness assessment this year, replacing a series of tests that had not been updated since their parents were in school.

Citing a need to refocus on the fitness of the state?s children, the new Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment rolled out this fall in public schools. The tests are required for all students in grades 2 through 12 and replace the old President?s Challenge Fitness Test, which was adopted in 1984.

The new assessment has been in the works since 2010, when federal stimulus money started flowing to the states. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention awarded grant money to the Alabama Department of Public Health, which used the money to partner with the Alabama State Department of Education to try to improve the quality of physical education in the state, said Laurie Eldridge-Auffant, public health education manager for the ADPH.

?Our prevalence rate of obesity is higher than the rest of the nation, for both adults and children,? Eldridge-Auffant said. ?We have some other indicators that let us know we have many chronic diseases that are above the national average.?

Though the individual students? results will be treated as confidential information, both parents and students will receive the assessment results. The PE teachers will report the results annually, which should eventually allow for comparisons to see whether the fitter children perhaps have higher test scores.

?We?re excited about the potential data down the road,? Eldridge-Auffant said. ?We know from the research that the kids who are more physically fit and more physically active have better academic scores.?

But those comparisons will be some time away. For now, the teachers are finishing up the pre-testing on the kids. Post-testing will begin in March.

The new assessment measures four areas: Aerobic cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, abdominal strength and endurance and flexibility.

PE teachers received training in how to test the kids, but videos that demonstrate the exercises used in the assessment are on the state Department of Education?s website. The exercises include a partial curl-up (like an abdominal crunch); a timed one-mile run/walk test (the child can walk the whole way if necessary); and a 90-degree push-up (as many as the child can do in two minutes.)

To read the full article?..Click here


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Home for Christmas ? Grow Mama Grow

It?s that time of year again, when the snow begins to fall, the sky is a silver ribbon, and the cold air hangs low, seeping into every bone. Fireplaces burn bright, hot cocoa sits on the stove top, stockings hang low, and families gather to decorate their Christmas trees, as the scent of pine fills their homes. Presents are wrapped with love and care, and cookies and milk placed on bedside tables as hopeful children anticipate the return of Santa Claus. On this special day, relatives come from near and far to reunite, eat together, and embrace the loving warmth of a holiday that is treasured by people of varied religions and cultures around the world. This is the tradition I grew up with and held dear, but all this changed the day I took the Shahada and became a Muslim.

Putting aside the extraordinary gift of Allah?s guidance for a moment, I suddenly realized I would have to let go of many traditions and customs. Suddenly, Christmas could no longer be a part of my life, and a deep sense of loss and sadness began to set in. My husband always had strict ideas about how we would go about the holiday season, since my family is of the Catholic and Jewish faith. And when we had our first child, it became even more of an issue. ?You have to tell your mother that we can?t partake in her Christmas celebrations,? he would say. Of course I understood. We are Muslims, and Muslims don?t celebrate Christmas because it?s not our holiday. ?It will confuse the kids,? he continued.

The author's Muslim daughter, with cousins of the Christian and Jewish faiths

But in my own heart Christmas was and still is a beloved tradition. It had never been about worship for me, but about being with family, eating delicious food, and opening beautifully wrapped gifts. I began to wonder how I would be able to part with a holiday that I held dear to my heart for so long. Even today, it?s difficult for me not to get excited when I see the lights going up on the streets, or sing along to a Christmas song on the radio. It?s even harder for my five-year-old, who shrieks with excitement when she sees the houses on the block decorated with Santa, elves, and reindeers. However, as my faith grew stronger, it became easier for me to let go of Christmas.

Still, my husband and I continue to have this debate every year. And every year, he caves in and we join my family in their celebrations. My family goes out of their way to make us feel welcome by making non-alcoholic eggnog and various dishes without pork. They even write ?Happy Birthday? on the gifts for my daughter, whose birthday was around the corner. I began to think, ?If they can be so tolerant and respectful of our beliefs, why shouldn?t we be the same with theirs?? This does not make us a Muslim family who celebrates Christmas; it makes us a Muslim family who can enrich our lives and strengthen our faith by respecting the traditions and holidays of others.

As an Ummah we need to interact more with communities of other faiths and be living examples of the Quran and Sunnah. We cannot be an example if we keep to ourselves. During the holiday season charities, various collections and drives, and soup kitchens provide excellent examples of what it means to be selfless and giving, both characteristics which are imperative in a Muslim. Instead of trying to shelter and hide our families from this holiday season, we can use it as an example of the many ways to show our own families how to be generous and charitable.

We should also welcome others to partake in our own Muslim holiday traditions. I invited my mother to join us for our Eid celebration which, to her surprise, was very much like a Christmas gathering. A time where families gather, eat, rejoice and are thankful for Allah?s many blessings.

Belonging to an interfaith family as put me in a unique situation and I am grateful it has taught me so much about tolerance, acceptance and being open-minded. At the same time, coming from an interfaith family is a challenge, and it means you will have some hard decisions to make, especially when kids are involved. I have come to the conclusion that being a part of my family?s Christmas tradition is a form of Dawaa. I share this day with them out of love and respect for them and their faith, while educating them about Islam. Inshallah, I will teach my own children tolerance, patience, acceptance and an ability to be comfortable around people of other religions. To be a true Muslim means to be a part of this world and its? people, while doing your best to guide yourself, your family and others towards the straight path. This is the beauty of Islam; it is a religion of tolerance and respect for others, no matter their faith, and because of this, I will be home for Christmas.

Christina Elahmer

Christina Elahmar is a newly minted ex-pat living in Luxembourg. She is a homeschooling mom of two, and a former English teacher and writing consultant. Follow her adventures in homeschooling at?


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Monday, December 24, 2012

In Afghan Taliban birthplace, US troops step back

FILE - In this Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009 file photo, an Afghan Commando and a U.S. Soldier from 20th Special Forces Group take part in a training exercise in Afghanistan's Wardak Province. U.S. soldiers serving in one of southern Afghanistan's most violent areas say they are successfully training the Afghans to secure their country and their progress so far will play a large role in determining how many more American troops President Barack Obama sends home next year. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo, File)

FILE - In this Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009 file photo, an Afghan Commando and a U.S. Soldier from 20th Special Forces Group take part in a training exercise in Afghanistan's Wardak Province. U.S. soldiers serving in one of southern Afghanistan's most violent areas say they are successfully training the Afghans to secure their country and their progress so far will play a large role in determining how many more American troops President Barack Obama sends home next year. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo, File)

FILE - In this March 22, 2011, file photo, Afghan National Special Force soldiers patrol during a training session, seen through a destroyed building at Camp Morehead on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan. U.S. soldiers serving in one of southern Afghanistan's most violent areas say they are successfully training the Afghans to secure their country and their progress so far will play a large role in determining how many more American troops President Barack Obama sends home next year. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin, File)

FILE - In this Thursday, April 12, 2012 file photo, Afghan special forces demonstrate a raid for rescuing a hostage during a showing to NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, unseen, at the commando training center in Kabul, Afghanistan. U.S. soldiers serving in one of southern Afghanistan's most violent areas say they are successfully training the Afghans to secure their country and their progress so far will play a large role in determining how many more American troops President Barack Obama sends home next year. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq, File)

FILE - In this Friday, April 23, 2010 file photo, Afghan National Army recruits practice a house clearing during training exercise in Kabul, Afghanistan. U.S. soldiers serving in one of southern Afghanistan's most violent areas say they are successfully training the Afghans to secure their country and their progress so far will play a large role in determining how many more American troops President Barack Obama sends home next year. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin, File)

FILE - In this Tuesday, March 22, 2011 file photo, Afghan National Army commandos practice a house clearing during a training session at Camp Morehead in the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan. U.S. soldiers serving in one of southern Afghanistan's most violent areas say they are successfully training the Afghans to secure their country and their progress so far will play a large role in determining how many more American troops President Barack Obama sends home next year. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin, File)

(AP) ? President Barak Obama will decide in the coming weeks how many American troops to send home from Afghanistan next year. A major factor in his decision will be the question of how successful U.S. troops have been in preparing the Afghans to secure their country at bases like this one, located in one of the country's most violent areas ? the birthplace of the Taliban.

There have been calls in Congress for Obama to increase the size of a planned drawdown of U.S. forces before the end of summer 2013, when the Afghan military is supposed to take the lead in security across the country. Afghan President Hamid Karzai, as well, has suggested he wants the drawdown accelerated.

"We are working to make this transition of security happen sooner. We want all the foreign forces to come out of the villages and go to their bases so the Afghan forces can carry out security," Karzai said last week.

But too large a pullout too soon could undermine the fight against the Taliban insurgency if Afghan forces are not fully prepared. It is widely thought that Gen. John Allen, the top military commander in Afghanistan, and his senior staff want to keep a large force in place for the summer fighting season, before international forces move into an entirely back-up and training role behind the Afghan forces by the start of autumn ? an event known as "Milestone 13."

Obama is expected to decide on the size of the withdrawal after meeting with Karzai in Washington in early January. Their talks will also be key on determining what the U.S. military's role will be in Afghanistan after December 2014, when the foreign combat mission is set to end and almost all international troops are scheduled to leave. The U.S. currently has 66,000 thousand troops in Afghanistan out of an international force totaling about 102,000.

The work of training Afghan army units being done at this dusty base in the Zhari district of Kandahar province and at other bases scattered around the country will help shape Obama's decision.

U.S. and Afghan officers here say the district is a success story: Violence has not gone up more than two months after the American presence here was brought down from around 3,500 troops to around 300, with Afghan forces taking the lead in more areas.

But the situation remains tenuous. Residents say Taliban fighters remain in control of large parts of the district.

Zhari is where Taliban leader Mullah Omar was born, where he founded the movement that ruled Afghanistan in the 1990s and has battled U.S. and Afghan forces for the past 11 years. Three years ago, Taliban forces controlled the district, and it has been one of the three most violent areas of Kandahar, the province that is the Taliban's traditional heartland.

U.S soldiers had a hard fight in Zhari when they moved into the south in large force as part of the surge in American troops early in the Obama administration. The district has rich farmland that produces pomegranates and grapes used for raisins, and the fields, covered in dirt mounds, formed natural trenches the Taliban could fight from. Food, which was abundant, was easily coerced by the Taliban from villagers.

Lt. Col. Tim Davis, commander of Combined Task Force Buffalo, said, "the density of mines was impressive" when his task force arrived and that it required "an entire combat operation just to put a road in."

The commander of international forces in Kandahar and three other southern provinces, U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Robert Abrams, told reporters recently that progress in Zhari had been "astounding." Afghan forces are already in the lead of security duties in many parts of the district, he said. Across the south, the Afghans carry out 400 to 500 daily patrols without coalition assistance.

Afghan military officers in Zhari contend they can now handle the fight without much help from the U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force.

"Zhari is about 70 percent safe now," said Col. Abdul Rahimi, operations officer of the Afghan army's 3rd Brigade 205th Corps at Pasab base, though he acknowledged neighboring Maiwand district remains a problem. The number of Taliban fighters was down to around 100 in Zhari and Maiwand, compared to some 900 two years ago, he said.

"The enemy is not able right now to fight against the government, nor can it take over if ISAF leaves," Rahimi said.

Residents in Zhari, however, give a different picture. Some said the government has control of the main highway but not much else.

"Government claims that they control most of the area are just a dream not related to any reality," Allahnoor Taraki, a 38-year-old farmer, said.

Mohammed Salim Danghar, a taxi driver, said the province remains hotly contested. While the government has improved its position, he said, "we all know that most of the area is controlled by the Taliban."

The American drawdown in Zhari is a model of plans for the pullback elsewhere.

Here, large American combat units have been replaced by smaller teams made up of about 18 soldiers each. The teams are embedded with Afghan units, advising them on tactics, leadership and strategy ? but not fighting.

In Zhari, attacks "have not only decreased, but significantly decreased," said Davis.

"The challenge is when we start pulling back," he said. The key to a successful transition will be "to see if the local security forces can take up the slack."

The U.S. military plans to repeat that process elsewhere in the south and east by creating 400 such teams. At the same time, eight of the 14 U.S. brigades in Afghanistan will be reduced in size to 1,400-1,900 personnel, down from 3,500, to act as support for the teams. That role change alone will mean a reduction of between 13,000 to 17,000 NATO troops.

The U.S. military has not made public its recommendations to Obama about the size or timing of next year's drawdown. Outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said recently that NATO and the Afghan government intend to begin the final phase of transition by the mid to latter part of 2013 ? suggesting he prefers a later start to the drawdown, as opposed to earlier in 2013.

The top contender for Panetta's job, former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel, is thought to support a more rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has already announced that about 3,800 of his country's troops will leave by the end of 2013, leaving 5,000 to stay into 2014.

The Afghan army now numbers about 350,000 and has taken the lead on security in areas that are home to 76 percent of Afghanistan's population of 30 million. Still, despite their progress, only one of Afghanistan's 23 brigades around the country can operate on its own without coalition help of some kind, the U.S. Defense Department said in its most recent semi-annual report to Congress.

Attacks by insurgents around the country have not decreased, but the violence has been pushed out of most population centers, the report said. Civilian and NATO casualties have fallen. But Afghan forces are taking an increasing toll. More than 300 Afghan soldiers and policemen are dying each month, according to Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi, who said that represented an increase, though he did not provide comparative figures.

"We still face challenges in southern Afghanistan," Abrams acknowledged in his headquarters at Kandahar Air Field.

Associated Press


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How To FIle Bankruptcy With No Trouble | Investing Market Analysis ...

Deciding to file for bankruptcy is not an easy decision to make; but, in some cases, it is necessary. It is always best to go forward, armed with the best information and assistance you can find. You need to know what you are up against. Read on for knowledge and wisdom passed on from those who have gone through bankruptcy themselves.

If you?re considering filing for bankruptcy, it is critical that you assess what events and behaviors brought you to this point. You should not worry about your money managing skills if you owe money because of unplanned medical expenses, but if most of your money has been spent irresponsibly, you need to look for a long-term solution to manage your finances. Don?t assume that you can handle getting past these things on your own, if you find yourself continuing to do it. Get help.

If it looks like you?re in for a big hit on your taxes, don?t necessarily assume bankruptcy is a way out for you. Filing for bankruptcy does not exempt you from paying your taxes. This is done on the mistaken belief that since the amount owing is now owed to a credit card, they will get away with not paying taxes. However, there are already bankruptcy laws in place for this. This will leave you with owed taxes and then credit card interest for it, too.

Write down a list of every debt you have. This is going to be the foundation of your filing for bankruptcy, so be certain to include every debt you know about. Always go through your statements and get exact numbers. Take care not to miss any debts that you need to disclose, or you will be responsible for paying them back after you have filed for bankruptcy.

It is wise to reconsider filing for divorce if your financial situation is grim. A lot of individuals get a divorce and file for bankruptcy immediately because they did not plan for the troubles that they will be experiencing financially. Rethink getting divorced, if possible.

Most bankruptcy lawyers offer a free consultation, so meet with several before you decide on one. Be certain to speak with an attorney, not their paralegal or law clerk, since they cannot give legal advice. Looking for an attorney will help you find a lawyer you feel good around.

After you have declared bankruptcy, you may have a hard time being approved for unsecured credit. If so, apply for a secured credit card. This will allow you to start building a good credit history while minimizing the bank?s risk. If you do well with a secured card and make strides to repair your credit, you will ultimately be able to receive an unsecured card.

If you manage to get a new job right before filing for bankruptcy, still pay strict attention to your financial situation! It might still be wisest to file for bankruptcy. Choosing when to file can have a big impact. Should you file prior to earning your first paycheck, that money will not be considered when it comes to how you will repay.

You can always refile for bankruptcy if your case is dismissed. Be aware, though, that in most situations you will only possess the assistance of an automatic stay for thirty days after filing if your case has already been dismissed once. If you need more than the allotted 30 days you should ask the judge for an extension if you have good cause.

No one is happy to be bankrupt; sometimes it is the only option. Since you?ve read the advice found in this article, you know what has worked for others who have filed for bankruptcy in the past. You will find that every journey in life goes more smoothly if you heed the advice of those who go before you, and this one is no different.

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