Friday, November 30, 2012

Leveson on Brooks, Cameron ? and how News International and ...

  • Featured Leveson?s light proposals were a political gift for Cameron. He didn?t take it

    Leveson?s light proposals were a political gift for Cameron. He didn?t take it

    Very few industries welcome new regulation. Fast food retailers aren?t vocal in screaming for a ?fat tax?. Booze manufacturers don?t want a minimum price for alcohol. Energy generators don?t generally want strong renewable obligations. When new regulations are proposed then the industry interest resorts to apocalyptic rhetoric that often refers to: (a) North Korea and China; (b) George Orwell; and/or (c) Adolf Hitler. So far, so obvious. So this week?s broad press reaction to the possibility of the creation of [...]

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  • Comment Europe The EU Budget explained

    The EU Budget explained

    We are hearing a lot at the moment about the EU Budget and the wrangling?surrounding it.? I thought it would be a good time to write a blog about what the EU Budget actually is and what could happen if no agreement is reached. There are two different budgets in the European Union; one is the annual budget which sets spending levels each year.? The next, and the one causing the current controversy, is the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), which [...]

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  • News NEC Report ? November 27th, 2012

    NEC Report ? November 27th, 2012

    This was the NEC?s ?away? day (though we don?t actually go away anywhere) which sets the party?s priorities for the year ahead. It was also the first meeting following the new composition of the committee so Peter Wheeler and Steve Rotherham were welcomed as newly elected members. Aims & Objectives The General Secretary gave an overview of what he was looking to achieve in the year ahead.? Whilst to date he has focused on the party?s finances, restructuring HQ, and [...]

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  • Comment Featured Of course we should give 16 year olds the vote

    Of course we should give 16 year olds the vote

    There are several claims made for votes at 16 which are decidedly spurious. I don?t believe ? for example ? that giving 16 year olds the vote will increase participation. If anything, it could mean that while more people vote, a smaller percentage of the increased electorate do so. I equally don?t believe it?s fair to recite the ?no taxation without representation? argument. For a start, some 16 year olds earn (and pay income tax) and some do not, but [...]

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  • News The glamorous life of an MP

    The glamorous life of an MP

    Labour?s Ben Bradshaw has been having a smelly few days? Parliamentary Authorities responded, saying: ?The engineers of the Parliamentary Estates Directorate have now identified the problem ? a broken urinal waste pipe. There has been no damage to possessions/IT equipment and there will be a clean-up.? But Bradshaw has been taking this in good spirits, using the hashtag #urinegate to discuss his plight on Twitter. It?s glamorous being an MP, eh?

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