Appalachian State University
121 Bodenheimer Drive, P.O. Box 32039, Boone, NC 28608-2039. Tel: (828) 262-2221, 262-2405; FAX: (828) 262-2543. Email: <popejt<at>>. Department of Communication. Janice Pope, chair. Journalism Program: Offered as a major in the communication program, along with majors in electronic media/broadcasting, advertising, communication studies, and public relations (BS).
Campbell University
180 Main St., Buies Creek, NC 27506. Tel: (910) 893-1520; FAX: (910) 893-1924. Email: <smithm<at>>. Department of Mass Communication, 1991. Michael R. Smith, Archie K. Davis Fellow, chair.
Mass Communication: Department offers BA degrees in Broadcast, Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising. Facilities include FM radio station, desktop publishing/graphic design computer labs, radio and television studios, photography labs, and ENG equipment.
East Carolina University
102 Joyner East, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Tel: (252) 328-4227, FAX: (252) 328-1509. Email: Bullockte<at> Web: School of Communication. Communication degree. Linda Kean, Director.
Offers programs that lead to a BS in Communication, with major concentrations in: journalism, public relations, interpersonal/organizational communication, and media studies.
Graduate Program: MA in Communication Studies?emphasis in health communication. Facilities include VDT, CN, AM/FM, HD TV studio, non-linear editing, cable newscasts.
? Elon University
McEwen Communications Building, Campus Box 2850, Elon, NC 27244. Tel.: (336) 278-5724. Fax: (336) 278-5734. School Web: <>. Email: <communications<at>>. School of Communications, 2000. SPJ, RTDNA, PRSSA, AAF, Cinelon, Lambda Pi Eta, Paul Parsons, dean.
FACULTY: Profs.: Paul Parsons (parsons<at>; Constance Book (assoc. provost, cbook<at>; David Copeland (Fletcher Chair and grad. dir.; dcopeland<at>; Assoc. Profs.: Janna Anderson (andersj<at>; Brooke Barnett (bbarnett<at>; Lee Bush (lbush3<at>; Paul Castro (pcastro<at>; Vic Costello (vcostello<at>; Michelle Ferrier (mferrier<at>; Jim Drummond (drummond<at>; Michael Frontani (mfrontani<at>; Kenn Gaither (assoc. dean; tgaither<at>; Jessica Gisclair (dept. chair; jgisclair<at>; Don Grady (assoc. dean; gradyd<at>; Anthony Hatcher (ahatcher<at>; Richard Landesberg (rlandesberg<at>; Byung Lee (byunglee<at>; Harlen Makemson (hmakemson<at>; Tom Nelson (nelsont<at>; George Padgett (padgettg<at>; Glenn Scott (gscott3<at>; Michael Skube (Pulitzer Prize winner; mskube<at>; Amanda Sturgill (asturgill<at>; Hal Walker (hwalker2<at>; Frances Ward-Johnson (assoc. dept. chair; fward2<at>; Asst. Profs.: Lucinda Austin (laustin<at>; Vanessa Bravo (vbravo<at>; Naeemah Clark (nclark3<at>; Amanda Gallagher (agallagher3<at>; Gerald Gibson (gibson<at>; Dan Haygood (dhaygood<at>; Ray Johnson (johnson<at>elon. edu); Derek Lackaff (dlackaff<at>; Julie Lellis (jlellis<at>; Barbara Miller (bmiller9<at>; Phillip Motley (pmotley<at>; Sang Nam (snam<at>; Max Negin (mnegin<at>; Nicole Triche (ntriche<at>elon. edu); Tony Weaver (tweaver<at>; Qian Xu (qxu<at>; Senior Lecturer: Randy Piland (rpiland<at>; Lecturer: Staci Saltz (ssaltz<at>; Visiting Asst. Prof.: Brian Walsh (bwalsh5<at>; Instructors: Sharon Eisner (seisner2<at>; Mark Fox (foxmark<at>; Kristin Hondros (khondros<at>; Mary Leigh Howell (mhowell5<at>; Doug Kass (dkass<at>; Ken Luck (kluck2<at>; Rosemary Roberts (ryardley<at>; Elma Sabo (esabo<at>; Leah Totten (ltotten3<at>; Staff: Pamela Baker (prog. asst., bakerp<at>; Brad Berkner (coord. of interactive projects, bberkner<at>; Colin Donohue (coord. of student media, cdonohue<at>; J McMerty (coord. of video projects, jmcmerty<at>; Maggie Mullikin (coord. of grad. outreach, mmullikin<at>; Phyllis Phillips (adm. asst., phillips<at>; Nagatha Tonkins (intern. dir., ntonkins<at>; Ross Wade (Career Services, rwade2<at>
MAJORS: Journalism, Strategic Communications, Media Arts & Entertainment, Communication Science, Sport & Event Management. FACILITIES: FM, AP, CCTV, CN, DR, ETV, VDT.
? High Point University
833 Montlieu Avenue, High Point, NC 27262. School Website: Tel: (336) 841-9043; Fax: (336) 888-6348. The Nido R. Qubein School of Communication, Lambda Pi Eta, PRSSA (approval anticipated October 2010). Dr. Wilfred Tremblay, Director.
FACULTY: Profs.: Wilfred Tremblay (Director, wtremblay<at>; Kate Fowkes (kfowkes<at>; Assoc. Profs.: Judy Isaksen (jisaksen<at>; John Luecke (jluecke<at>; Virginia McDermott (vmcdermo<at>; Asst. Profs.: Nahed Eltantawy (neltante<at>; Jim Goodman (jgoodman<at>; Bobby Hayes (bhayes<at>; Brad Lambert (blambert<at>; Jim Trammell (jtrammel<at>; Gerald Voorhees (gvoorhee<at>; Julie Wiest (jwiest<at>; Yan Yang (yyang<at>; Instructors: Kristina Bell (kbell<at>; Phil Watson (pwatson<at>; Staff: Don Moore (Operations Manager; dmoore<at>; Martin Yount (Video Producer; myount<at>; Michelle Devlin (Administrative Assistant; mdevlin<at>
SEQUENCES: Electronic Media Production, Games and Interactive Media Design, Journalism, Media and Popular Culture Studies, Strategic Communication
FACILITIES: Internet Radio, CCTV, Advertising/PR Agency, Game Design Studio, Student Newspaper, Television Production Studios, Multi-track Audio Recording Studio, Editing Suites, Computer Labs, Theatre-screening Room
Johnson C. Smith University
100 Beatties Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28216. Tel: (704) 378-1000, 378-1096; FAX (704) 378-3539. Email: <klharris<at>>. Department of Communication Arts. Kandace L. Harris, Ph.D., Interim Department Chair. The Communication Arts program offers a Bachelor of Arts degree to develop students who are trained in media production, journalism, public relations, or marketing communications. Facilities include Journalism, Graphic Design, and Audio and Video Production Labs.
Lenoir-Rhyne College
Hickory, NC 28603. Tel: (828) 328-7164. Fax (828) 328-7163 Email: <Richter<at>>. School of Communication and Literature. William Richter, chair.
Communication Program: Offers mass comm., journalism, television, speech, law, internship, PR and integrated liberal arts courses leading to an BA in Communication. Facilities include FM, CCTV, CN, DR, VDT.
? North Carolina, University of
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3365. Tel: (919) 962-1204, FAX: (919) 962-0620. Email: <Jean_ Folkerts<at>>. Web: <>, (street address) School of Journalism and Mass Communication, UNC-CH, 117 Carroll Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, or (mailing address) Campus Box 3365, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3365, 1950. AAF, IABC, KTA, SPJ, NPPA, ENAC, SND, PRSSA. Jean Folkerts, dean.
FACULTY: Profs.: Penelope Muse Abernathy (Knight Chair in Journalism and Digital Media Economics, 843-4910), Jane Delano Brown (James L. Knight prof., 962-4089), Richard R. Cole (dean emeritus and John Thomas Kerr Jr. distinguished professor, 843-8289), Jean Folkerts (dean and Alumni Distinguished Professor, 962-1204), Anne Johnston (associate dean for graduate studies, 962-4286), Thomas R. Linden (Glaxo Wellcome dist. prof. of medical journalism, 962-4078), Daniel Riffe (Richard Cole Eminent Professor, 962-4082), Donald L. Shaw (Kenan prof., 962-4087), Richard Simpson (962-5177), Dulcie Straughan (senior associate dean, 962-9002), John Sweeney (Distinguished prof. in sports communication, 962-4074), Charles A. Tuggle (962-5694), Ruth Walden (James Howard and Hallie McLean Parker dist. prof. 962-4088), Jan Yopp (Walter Spearman prof., 962-4083), Xinshu Zhao (on leave); Assoc. Profs.: Deb Aikat (962-4090), Lois Boynton (843-8342), George W. Cloud (962-4070), Pat Davison (962-4073), Frank Fee (962-4071), Rhonda Gibson (843-8296), Joe Bob Hester (associate dean for undergraduate studies, 843-8290), Michael Hoefges (843-0971), Sri Kalyanaraman (843-5858), Cathy Packer (962-4077), Chris Roush (962-4092), Laura Ruel (curriculum coord., vis. com & multi media 962-4076), Lucila Vargas (962-2366); Asst. Profs.: Andrew Bechtel (843-8295), Napoleon Byars (843-7274), Queenie Byars (843-7631), Alberto Cairo (843-5841), Francesca Carpentier (843-1035), Craig Carroll (962-0735), Paul Cuadros (962-4091), David Cupp (843-7813, Elizabeth Dougall (962-6396), Barbara Friedman (843-2099), Heidi Hennink-Kaminski (962-2555), Janas Sinclair (843-5638), Chad A. Stevens, Ryan Thornburg (962-4080), Don Wittekind (843-5582); Lectrs.: Ferrel Guillory (962-5936), Jock Lauterer (962-6421); Part-Time Lectrs.: Val Lauder (843-8297), Paul O?Connor (843-8297); Profs. Emer.: John B. Adams, Richard J. Beckman, Thomas A. Bowers, A. Richard Elam, Robert F. Lauterborn, Raleigh C. Mann, Philip Meyer, James J. Mullen, Carol Reuss, Stuart Sechriest, Chuck Stone.
SEQUENCES: Advertising, Electronic Commu-nication, News-Editorial, Public Relations, Visual Communication.
DEGREES: B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
North Carolina?Asheville, University of
One University Heights, CPO 2120, Asheville, NC 28804. Tel: (828) 232-5027, FAX: (828) 232-2421. Email: <west<at>>. Department of Mass Communication, 1980. Mark D. West, chair.
Mass Communication Program: A Liberal Arts program focusing on the functions of print and electronic media in society. The program emphasizes clear writing, critical thinking and creative visual production.
? North Carolina A&T State University
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, 220 Crosby Hall, North Carolina A&T State University, 1601 East Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27411. Tel: (336) 334-7900, FAX: (336) 334-7770. Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, 1986. Humphrey Regis, Ph.D., chair. ?FACULTY: Prof.: Emmanuel Alozie, Linda Callahan, Tamrat Mereba, Humphrey Regis, Teresa Styles; Assoc. Profs.: Vanessa Cunningham-Engram, Valerie Nieman, Sheila Whitley; Asst. Prof.: Kim Smith, Gail Wiggins; Lecturers: Charlie Atkinson, Bruce Clark, Emily Burch-Harris, Shena Crittendon, Dawn N. Davis, Meryl Mullane, Jacqueline Pender-Jones, Arthea Perry, Brian Tomlin, Anthony Welborne, DeWayne Wickham; News & Record/Janice Bryant Howroyd Endowed Professors: Sandra Hughes, Allen Johnson; Faculty Student Newspaper Advisor: Emily Burch-Harris; Radio Station Manager: Anthony Welborne; Television Studio Manager: Ken DeVanney. SEQUENCES: Electronic Media and Journalism, Broadcast Production, Media Management, Print Journalism, and Public Relations.
FACILITIES: Journalism and Mass Communication Computer Labs, Journalism Newspaper Lab, Radio Station, Television Studio, Smart Classrooms, New Media Center, Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies.
DEGREES: Bachelor of Science: Journalism and Mass Communication with a concentration in one of the above sequences.
North Carolina Central University
1801 Fayetteville St., Durham, NC 27707. Tel: (919) 530-7113;?Email: <tevans<at>>. Department of English & Mass Communication.?Thomas Evans,?coordinator, 2003.
Department offers BA degrees in mass comm. with?concentrations in journalism, broadcast, or communication studies.
Facilities: CCTV, CN, VDT
North Carolina at Pembroke, University of
Department of Mass Communication, Box 1510, Pembroke, NC 28372-1510. Tel: (910) 522-5723, FAX: (910) 522-5795. Email: <acurtis<at>>. Dr. Jamie Litty, chair <jamie.litty<at>>. The university has the most diverse student body in the South.
FACILITIES: journalism and mass communication computer labs/smart classrooms, journalism newspaper offices, television studio, control rooms and editing suites, Internet radio station. The Pine Needle national award winning student newspaper. WNCP-TV. WNCP Radio ? The Hawk. The Indianhead Yearbook.
DEGREES: Bachelor of Science with majors and minors in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, and media integration.
Wingate University
Wingate, NC 28174. Tel: (704) 233-8188, FAX: (704) 233-8192. Email: <coon<at>>. Communication Studies. Jim Coon, Chair.
Journalism Program: Interdisciplinary, focusing on communication theories and techniques. Emphases in journalism, public relations, speech communication, broadcast journalism and media arts.
? Winston-Salem State University
601 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, 314 Hall-Patterson Building, Winston-Salem, NC 27110. Tel: (336) 750-2320; FAX: (336) 750-2100. Email: <jeterph<at>>. Department of Mass Communications. Phillip Jeter, Chair.
FACULTY: Profs.: Lorna D. Cobb, Phillip Jeter; Assoc. Profs.: Brian C. Blount, Marilyn Roseboro, Abhijit Sen; Asst. Profs.: Laine Goldman, Doug C. Osman, Valerie S. Saddler; Instr.: Elvin Jenkins; Staff: Marcia Bonner, Ben Donnelly, Jerome Hancock, Monica Melton, Hollie Stevenson-Parrish, Darlene Vinson, Harvest R. Williams, Jr.; Part-time Staff: Larry Bell Jr., Grady Crosby, Nicole Ferguson, Bonnie Weymouth, Harvest Williams, Richard Williams.
Mass Communications offers Bachelor of Arts degree programs in Mass?Communications with a choice of either?Journalism or Electronic Media?learning tracks to prepare students for careers in journalism and broadcasting. Students gain ?real world? experience working in the?department-run WSNC 90.5 FM National Public Radio station, RAM-TV21 student?television station, and?The News Argus?campus newspaper.

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